Продукти за сейфове лозми (11)

Бял Мускус - Есенция за Пране

Бял Мускус - Есенция за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Muschio Bianco è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Alle dolci note floreali viene aggiunto un forte carattere muschiato, immediatamente percepibile nel tessuto come una composizione musicale. L’armonia di un accordo dipende dall’equilibrio e dalle proporzioni olfattive di ogni nota. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciac­quo. Profuma Bucato Muschio Bianco è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Етерични масла за бременни жени - Книги

Етерични масла за бременни жени - Книги

Pendant la grossesse, nombre de médicaments conventionnels étant contrindiqués, difficile de soigner les petits maux du quotidien ! Alors oui, les huiles essentielles sont une alternative naturelle et efficace pour prendre soin de soin lorsqu’on est enceinte, après 3 mois de grossesse révolus, à condition de connaître et respecter toutes les précautions d’usage.Dans ce guide dédié à la femme enceinte, Françoise Couic-Marinier livre toute son expertise d’aromathérapeute et de pharmacienne et propose des formules adaptées aux besoins de la grossesse, soigneusement conçues à partir des données scientifiques les plus actuelles, pour soigner tous les maux du quotidien en toute sécurité.Une centaine de pathologies décryptées, de l’angine au zona, en passant par les nausées, les douleurs pelviennes ou encore le stress : la description précise des symptômes, les bons gestes au quotidien, et les traitements les plus efficaces. Longueur:22,2 cm Largeur:15.2 cm Épaisseur:2.1 cm
Pasaklı - Relax Yarn

Pasaklı - Relax Yarn

%100 polipropilen içeren Pasaklı ipliği, büyük ve dayanıklı projeler için mükemmeldir. Her yumak 300 gram ağırlığında ve 90 metre uzunluğundadır, 5 mm kalınlığa sahiptir ve 6-8 mm şiş numaraları ile kullanılabilir. Pasaklı, sağlam ve esnek yapısıyla geniş projelerinizde ideal bir ipliktir.
Таванска противопожарна врата EI 60 - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата EI 60 - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboard Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 60 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome Application:Decorative application in automotive and sanitary field Function:Deposited from trivalent chrome electrolytes, noble dark optics
Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Pipette Tip 0,1 - 20 PP (crystal)
Кристал - Есенции за Пране

Кристал - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Cristal è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Questa fragranza si ispira alla sontuosità dello strascico degli abiti da gran sera. Un orientale/fiorito deciso e persistente che esalta l’eleganza intrinseca dei suoi compo­nenti. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice duran­te l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Cristal è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Пролет - Есенции за Пране

Пролет - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Spring è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Un’esplosione di freschezza duratura con una combinazione di note dolci e floreali che accentuano l’intensità del profumo donando ai capi un carattere deciso. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Spring è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Eden - Есенции за Пране

Eden - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Eden è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Questa fragranza può essere definita “indimenticabile”, merito della sua piramide ol­ fattiva che mescola intense note fiorite ad un fondo boisé. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Eden è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Таванска противопожарна врата 120 MN - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата 120 MN - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 120 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 120. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
Таванска противопожарна врата 60 МИН - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата 60 МИН - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - Intumescent gas, smoke and flame tight seal in case of fire - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards - Quick and easy installation The 60-minute ceiling fire dampers are designed for installation in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against fire progression from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms. The safety catching arms ensure that the lid is intercepted every time the hatch is opened. The lid is easy to remove and replace.